Monday, March 14, 2011

New And Hot for Hair

First of I Have to apologize for not posting in the past month. Nothing exciting was coming out and then i went on vacation and now I've been playing catchup for the past week! Anyways get ready for a posting frenzie!! So much new stuff i'm going to DIE!! JK not really :-)

So I noticed that Sephora is getting Really into Hair care lately so I don't know if this a trend thats come out of the recension and all of the beauty obsessed people want to save a buck and some time by doing it their self, I know that I do and have been for many years, and they use to sell Frederic Fekkai in store and Ojon and that was about it, but now there's a whole variety on hair products.

So the first brand I'm going to talk about is Couture Color.

So it seems that Johnathan Gale is the cleb colorist behind the brand and he does have and impressive portfolio to his credit. Now the Product itself has one particular oil that stands out as the big kicker which is the Pequi Oil. He said in an interview that it makes the hair soft shiny and healthy but its the smell of this oil that will have you coming back for more. Thankfully it is sold alone so you can purchase it to add it your hair routine.  The BIGGEST thing that I like in this brand is that he has made a water purification system call RESC-HUE add its completely affordable! $135.  Also there is 9 at home coloring boxes for you to choose your perfect hair color with.

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